Sunday, November 12, 2006

Day 12 - The Return

Woody just couldn't wait to tell Woody II about the food that he found. He figured he could take a quick detour back to Woody II before continuing his exploration. It was on the way after all. He made the climb up the shelves again, this time without any problems, and before he could even say hello, Woody II jumped in excitement, "Did you see her, did you Woody?" he asked. "What are you talking about Woody? Who are you talking about?" he asked. "I saw this beautiful young duck waddle by below me. I called to her, but she didnt hear me. I was hoping you would come back soon so I could tell you, or if maybe you met her already" Woodly exclaimed in excitement. "I didnt, but I wish I did. Wow Woody, I'm excited... I better get back down there. Which way did she go?" Woody asked. "She headed straight on!!" Woody II pointed. "Great Woody... i'll be back soon, and maybe I can bring her with me, that is, if I find her" said Woody. "Good luck buddy!" said the other woody, and Woody was on his way back down the shelves.


Blogger klie0500 said...

Good picture. Can't wait to see what happens.

3:05 PM  

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